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How To Remove JotForm Branding (With Using Code)

 1. Include the latest jQuery file in your functions.php file: Script Code (Open functions.php file and include this script) : function jquery_cdn_script() {        wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-script', '', array(), '1.0.0', true ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'jquery_cdn_script' ); 2. Now after inserting the above code. Open the footer.php file and copy paste the below code just before the wp_footer() function. The reason why we are inserting after the wp_footer() function because it loads all of the JS scripts in to your theme. So make sure jQuery cdn  file  get loads first and then it will run our below JS Script. Code: <script> var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery) { "use strict"; $('iframe').contents().find("head").append($("<style type='text/css'>  div.formFooter{ display:none !important; } .jf-branding{ disp...

04 HTML - Hyperlink Tag

In this article we will take a look on HTML Hyperlink and creating bookmark with HTML:

Creating Hyperlink:

To create hyperlink in HTML we use this tag. <a></a>

Syntax: <a href="index.html"></a>

Now we will see the above syntax example in details. First when we want to create an HTML link we use anchor tag. Then for adding a page reference we use 'href' attribute, this attribute stands for 'Hyper Reference'. Inside this attribute's value we mention the page name, where we want to redirect the user. The '.html' is the file format. Now if we want to open the page in new tab instead of opening the link in the same page. We use 'target' attribute. In this attribute there are two values which are used mostly '_self' and '_blank'. _self value represents that the link will open in the current this is a default state if we don't use the target attribute. Now if we want to open the link in new tab we use '_blank' attribute.

Syntax: <a href="about-us.html" target="_blank">About Us</a>

Creating Bookmarks:

If we want to create jump sections inside our html page. we can use the links as bookmarks.

<a href="#section-five">Jump to section five</a>


<h1>Section One</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Two</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Three</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Four</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1 id="section-five">Section Five</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Six</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Seven</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Eight</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Nine</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

<h1>Section Ten</h1>

<p>Some contents..</p>

Now in the above example we mention '#section-five' in anchor href value and 'section-five' in h1 id's value now we will see it in details.

If you want to create a jump link first of all mention the id attribute on the desired section (the id attribute value will be anything if you want to use space then use hyphen - or underscore _ ). Now create anchor link and inside the href attribute mention the section id value with '#' symbol number tag as well as hash tag.

Full Tutorial:


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